SANABUNA Working Meeting, April 12, 2013

It is worth to mention the  SANABUNA Working Meeting from April 12, 2013, at Mariott Grand Hotel Bucharest, attended by Prof. Florian Popa, President of SANABUNA International Congress (and Vice-President of the Commission of Public Health of the Romanian Senate), Prof. Eliot Sorel, Honorary President of SANABUNA International Congress (MD, DLFAPA, George Washington University, Washington D.C., School of Medicine & School of Public Health, Founder Conflict Management Section WPA, Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee WPA 2013 Bucharest), Assoc. Prof. Victor Lorin Purcărea, President of the Organizing Committee of SANABUNA International Congress (Director of “Carol Davila” Academic Publishing House, President of the Commission for Internal and International Policy of the Senate of “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, and Advisor to the Vice-President of the Commission of Public Health of the Romanian Senate), Adrian Gaşpar, Member of the Organizing Committee of SANABUNA International Congress (President of Scandia Food, and Member of the Board of the Romanian Distribution Committee), Prof. Theodor Valentin Purcărea, Member of the Scientific Committee of  SANABUNA International Congress (President of the Romanian Distribution Committee – RDC, Member of the Board of AIDA Brussels, and President of the Executive College of SSMAR). In the context of addressing issues related to the SANABUNA 2013 International Congress the participants of the Working Meeting have also discussed: a message from Prof. Petru Filip, Member of the Scientific Committee of SANABUNA International Congress (Member of the Board of the  scientific associations RDC and SSMAR), sent from the USA (being away on an official delegation, as President of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the Romanian Senate); the Outlook “Restart Romania 2014-2020” developed by Prof. Eliot Sorel, Honorary President of SANABUNA International Congress.