Romanian Athenaeum celebrating the Romanian-American friendship with Gershwin and Enescu, July 1, 2024

We have written over the years about Bucharest Doctors Orchestra (and its Concert Maestro Mircea Penescu) vocation of energizing for life by generously offering the blessed gift of the healing power of good music. Also, we highligted in 2012 how the opening of the SANABUNA International Congress in Fălticeni lifted up the participants’ soul thanks to the beautifully interpreted with sensibility Ciprian Porumbescu’s Balad (known for its unique aesthetic value, being rich in nuances) and of the well-known song “Oh Happy Day” (sung by the Choir of the Fălticeni “Ion Irimescu” Foundation).
Recently, we saluted the wonderful work done within the context of the memorable event “Romania at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival – 25th Anniversary Celebration 1999-2024” ( We underlined, among other aspects, the impact of the special Concert of the Doctors Orchestra Dr. Ermil Nichifor at the Romanian Athenaeum, on July 1, 2024. The distinguished audience’s strong wish for healing with musical interpretations of some of the famous compositions of George Enescu (like Romanian Rhapsody) and George Gershwin (like Rhapsody in Blue) was completely fulfilled, which also reconfirmed the wise words of Seneca that the wish for healing has always been half of health.
We would like to express our thankfulness to the great Professor Eliot Sorel for his wonderful work done, including for the above unique image of the celebration of Romanian-American friendship.